18 January 2013

my heart: weary + rejoicing

let's sit awhile + chat. stretch out on my big green rug in front of the heater, surrounded by the mess of baby toys + laundry -- forgive me for that. you can get yourself your own glass of water or a cup of tea; that's the way things work in my home. it becomes your home too, the moment you step in the door.

we can stay here + pour our hearts out to one another. it happens pretty naturally when we sit together, you + I.

my heart has been weary of late. heavy with the weight of the Christian community not living in Christ, but merely coexisting with Him. fitting Him into their schedules whenever they see fit, but the rest of the time, it's day to day. mundane. selfish.

my heart has been weary of late. aware that this coexistence occurs in my own life. I find myself scheduling time with Him, but letting it slip away with the second hand when things get "busy". I know that living in Christ is what I'm called to, but some days, when the dishes are piled up + the diapers need to be laundered + the baby won't nap for more than fifteen minutes at a time, it's easy to tell myself that God won't mind if I'm a day late. or maybe three days. or oops it's been a month.

and then comes the guilt.
but Jesus paid it all -- not just a portion! -- so that I might live. even when I mess up more often than I open my bible.

despite my sinful, heavy, guilty heart, my mouth has done much rejoicing in the past few days. because He has paid it all. all because of His love for me. how marvelous! oh, how wonderful!

there is joy unspeakable in His name. it's obvious + pouring out through His word. I need to devote more time to reading it. you need to devote more time to reading it. His words on our hearts will get us through the battle.

maybe next time you come over, we'll just read silently, side-by-side on the couch. it's one of my favourite things to do with you, don't you know.

linking up with alissa for coffee date friday
coffee date with rags to stitches

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