2 January 2013

one big intention

here we are.
another new year upon us. another chance to get it right. right?

so many people set more than goals + resolutions for a new year, creating a new someone to be, and vowing to become that better, more organized, healthier-all-around person. but looking back from the end, how often does one actually take on the new identity they set out to become at the beginning of the year?

instead of a new self, this year I want to create a sentiment. A posture to hold for the year – through whatever might be thrown at us.

this year will be filled with new – from the firsts that come along with having a curious six-month-old, to applying [+ hopefully being accepted to!] school, to moving away from the first true, physical community of Christians we've ever been a part of + into the uncharted [perhaps nonexistant] community wherever we end up in the fall.

through all the new, this little family of mine needs to stay true to one goal.

not to make or save lots of money + not to go to the best school for us right now {albeit both of those things would be great!}. not to lead bible studies or serve on worship teams, not to read through the bible in its entirety or to serve our family with every ounce of energy we have {although these will all likely come of standing in our sentiment throughout the year}.

no, none of those. instead:

in all that we do, to go hard.

some people need to go away to find their mission, to proclaim God's name + do it with everything they've got. others need to hide behind their online anonymity {and some people hide God's name from their online life – this definitely used to be me!}.

but joey + I know we aren't called to a mission field away from home. we've accepted that the issues we face in real life would still be here, waiting for us when we returned from that far-off land; running from life – even in God's name + with a great purpose – just isn't the answer for us.

instead, our day-to-day lives need to be radical. we need to take God's love and let it radiate through us. to go out on a limb + stay there as long as He calls us.

when we're with our families + friends.
when we're at work or at the grocery store or at the doctor's office.
when we're online.
when our lives get hard.
when we don't get what we want.
when we haven't slept in ohsomanynights.
when we don't have a penny to spare.
when we have all the things.
when we have none of the things.

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