14 January 2013

six months in

twenty six weeks.

half a year; but it doesn't feel that long.

more than half of a pregnancy. But the days have gone by much faster.

photo courtesy of katie draper

from the first time I held her, I knew this would be a wild ride -- having a daughter must always be. wild, but sweet.

the first night I really cried with her in my arms, I was overwhelmed with my new baby and all that had come along with her, my healing seemed to be taking forever, and I was so frustrated with my insomnia. as I began to sob {because let's be real, when you're overwhelmed, exhausted, and haven't peed without it hurting in oh. so. long, it's not just a few tears escaping from your eyes. it's a full-on ugly cry}, my fussing baby quieted right down and nuzzled in closer. as if to comfort me in the only way her tiny, three week old body could.


photo courtesy of katie draper

she's not that little three week old baby anymore. she's grown bigger, more intelligent, and impossibly funnier in the past five months. she's still as empathetic as ever + loves everyone she meets. I hope she never, ever outgrows these qualities.

she's rolling all around the living room + trying her best to crawl [but only managing to shimmy herself backward on the rug]. she loves when there's music playing -- any + all kinds -- but especially loves dancing with daddy to Bryan + Katie Torwalt.

she's slept through the night [at least eight hours] since she was about eight weeks old, and currently gets about twelve to fourteen hours each night. while she's awake, she talks nonstop. sometimes she even talks in her sleep. {she gets that from her father.}

she's begun eating some solid food [sweet potato, rice cereal, apples + lots of avocado so far] + nursing is still going incredibly well. she latched on perfectly the very first day [even after we were separated for her first 11 hours of life] and hasn't had even a day of trouble eating since. she's going to have food issues like her parents.

it's been six months of oh so much prayer for our sweet girl. prayer that her heart be protected. prayer that she grows to know + trust the One who knew her before even I did. prayer that we love + guide her in the ways she needs love + guidance. prayer that she would be known as one whose mind is stayed on God.

here's to six more months.
+ then years upon years after that.

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