7 January 2012

the first part

At fourteen weeks today, I am officially out of the first trimester and I feel great!!

Most exciting moment:
There have been so many exciting little moments since we found out at the first of November that we were expecting our first little baby. More than the positive test [which was exciting and intimidating!], and even seeing the teeny kidney bean-sized thing floating in my belly at eight & a half weeks, the most exciting moment so far was hearing its quick heartbeat thumping away. It was in that moment, listening to my baby’s first attempt at communication with me, assuring me of its presence, that everything became so profoundly real to both Joey and me.

Most Challenging Moment:
The time leading up to telling our families was the hardest part for me, for sure. It was worse than the weeks of nausea [and probably contributed to the first three weeks of sickness!]. We’ve been married less than two years, haven’t finished with all of the education we plan to pursue, and are still quite young [by today’s standards] to be beginning a family. We’re young even to be married at this age!
Fortunately, our parents took the surprise well, and were so excited to be able to share the news! I left my hometown ten pounds lighter, I’m sure!

Physical Evidence:
Nausea, extreme fatigue, huge & sore boobs, a strong sense of smell [the worst culprit = bad breath! I can smell it collecting in the car!], constipation, acne, and food aversions.

Favourite Food:
Anything salty -- cheese, popcorn, oven fries, chips & crackers! And ginger ale. Oh dear, we can’t forget the ginger ale!

Least Favourite Food:
Unfortunately, despite the fact that I was eating a vegan diet going into this pregnancy, the baby apparently decided it didn’t like vegetarian protein! Lentils are by far the worst -- I can’t even look at the dried lentils banished to the cupboard without my stomach doing flips!

Something That Surprised Me:
I was really surprised to have lost weight throughout the first trimester, and not to have gained any back as of yet. I’m sure by my next appointment, at the beginning of February, I will have gained some, if only because I will hopefully have been able to keep food down for the entire month of January! [the complete opposite of November and December …]

Looking Forward To:
Feeling this little guy or girl moving around in there, and watching my belly get round! Although my body has been changing shape a bit, my waist thinning out and my organs moving up in my core, there hasn’t been too much change in my middle. I can notice a bit of a difference, as can Joey, but it’s nothing that anyone else would be able to point out! I can’t wait to have people noticing I’m pregnant!

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